2 adults

Rooms 1


BERGaktiv guided hike at the avalanche path Blons

BERGaktiv guided hike at the avalanche path Blons

02.08.202409:00 AM Uhr

BERGaktiv guided hike at the avalanche path Blons

In addition to many new houses with great architecture starting with the community center and the avalanche documentation center located inside, you...

Herb Walk with Ilga Bickel

Herb Walk with Ilga Bickel
Herb Walk with Ilga Bickel

The Großes Walsertal Biosphere Reserve is known for its diverse meadows and its endless abundance of different herbs and plants. But who knows them...


Chapel festival on the Alpe Klesenza

Chapel festival on the Alpe Klesenza
Chapel festival on the Alpe Klesenza

Chapel festival on the Alpe Klesenza on 18/08/2024 at 11:30 with Archbishop Stephan Burger from Freiburg. Registration for the bus transfer is...


Lecture - The Effect of Landscape on People

Lecture - The Effect of Landscape on People
Lecture - The Effect of Landscape on People

The Effect of Landscape on People - lecture by Johannes Rauch For hundreds of years, the people of the Großes Walsertal have wrested their lives,...


BERGaktiv Hike to the Rote Wand

BERGaktiv Hike to the Rote Wand
BERGaktiv Hike to the Rote Wand

Take the hiking bus from Buchboden to Alpe Klesenza. We hike through the Klesenza valley with its diverse flora to the turn-off to Oberschröf at...


BERGaktiv Hochgerach - Hike 4-Country Corner

BERGaktiv Hochgerach - Hike 4-Country Corner
BERGaktiv Hochgerach - Hike 4-Country Corner

On different hiking trails it goes over flowering mountain meadows to the cornfields and alps as well as viewpoints with a view of the mountain world...


BERGaktiv hike to the Göppinger Hut

BERGaktiv hike to the Göppinger Hut
BERGaktiv hike to the Göppinger Hut

Immerse yourself in the impressive mountain world with its high Alps in the rear Großes Walsertal on this hike. From the Alpe Metzgertobel the trail...


BERGaktiv Hike to three Walser Alps

BERGaktiv Hike to three Walser Alps
BERGaktiv Hike to three Walser Alps

After taking the hiking bus from Marul to Alpe Laguz, the trail leads us through a beautiful high valley to the Obere Laguzalpe and over the 2,010 m...


BERGaktiv Hike to three Walser Alps

BERGaktiv Hike to three Walser Alps
BERGaktiv Hike to three Walser Alps

After a scenic ride with the hiking bus, the leisurely hike leads from Alpe Laguz and over the Garmilsattel to Alpe Oberpartnom and Alpe Steris -...


Breakfast at Alpe Steris

Breakfast at Alpe Steris
Breakfast at Alpe Steris

Farmer's wife Andrea Schwarzmann will spoil you at Alpe Steris with her breakfast buffet of farm and regional products, homemade bread, alpine cheese...


BERGaktiv hike to the Biberacher Hut

BERGaktiv hike to the Biberacher Hut
BERGaktiv hike to the Biberacher Hut

From Buchboden at 9:30, the Alpbus takes you up to the Alpe Oberüberlut. The hike leads from here via Alpe Oberischkarnei to the Biberacher Hütte at...




Seminarinhalt Der Jahreskreis schenkt uns durch die Sonne-Mond und Sterne-Zugehörigkeit 12 Qualitäten in denen sich auf unserer Erde Kräuter und...


20-jähriges Jubiläum Jausenstation Berghof

20-jähriges Jubiläum Jausenstation Berghof
20-jähriges Jubiläum Jausenstation Berghof

On Saturday, 27 July 2024 we celebrate our 20th anniversary Jausenstation Berghof Ludescherberg from 11:30 am Programme: Keg tapping Musical...


information evening the mountain rescue

information evening the mountain rescue
information evening the mountain rescue

You are an experienced hiker, but you are not sure where possible dangers can occur and how to behave in emergencies? Meeting point: 20 o'clock,...


Meeting with the Horses

Meeting with the Horses
Meeting with the Horses

Die Welt der Pferde ist eine Welt der Beziehungen, der Freundschaften und dem gemeinsamen Leben in der Herde. Die bewusste Annäherung an diese...


Reiseziel Museum - Museum Großes Walsertal

Reiseziel Museum - Museum Großes Walsertal
Reiseziel Museum - Museum Großes Walsertal

On these days, it is particularly worthwhile for families to come to the museum. Simply mould a ball out of clay and something will happen that...


Acht Cellisten der Wiener Symphoniker

Acht Cellisten der Wiener Symphoniker
Acht Cellisten der Wiener Symphoniker

Rhapsodie Auch im Jahr 2024 bringt das Ensemble der "Acht Cellisten der Wiener Symphoniker" mit ihrem traditionellen Konzert die St. Gerolder...


information evening the mountain rescue

information evening the mountain rescue
information evening the mountain rescue

You are an experienced hiker, but you are not sure where possible dangers can occur and how to behave in emergencies? Meeting point: 20 o'clock,...


Propsteigarten Führung

Propsteigarten Führung
Propsteigarten Führung

Interesting facts about herbs and plants in our Propsteigarten. Learn informative facts about the herbs of St Hildegard of Bingen, marvel at the two...


Firobad and Square Concert in Raggal

Firobad and Square Concert in Raggal
Firobad and Square Concert in Raggal

Raggal village evening with the Frassenecho music association, the alphorn players and the Raggal traditional costume group, as well as an open-air...


information evening the mountain rescue

information evening the mountain rescue
information evening the mountain rescue

You are an experienced hiker, but you are not sure where possible dangers can occur and how to behave in emergencies? Meeting point: 20 o'clock,...


Meeting with the Horses

Meeting with the Horses
Meeting with the Horses

Die Welt der Pferde ist eine Welt der Beziehungen, der Freundschaften und dem gemeinsamen Leben in der Herde. Die bewusste Annäherung an diese...


Himmelfahrtsbuschen binden

Himmelfahrtsbuschen binden
Himmelfahrtsbuschen binden

Wir lernen die Kräuter der alten Volksheilkunde kennen, die für diesen Buschen vorgesehen sind und lassen uns von unseren ganz persönlichen Pflanzen...




Seminarinhalt Der Jahreskreis schenkt uns durch die Sonne-Mond und Sterne-Zugehörigkeit 12 Qualitäten in denen sich auf unserer Erde Kräuter und...


Meeting with the Horses

Meeting with the Horses
Meeting with the Horses

Die Welt der Pferde ist eine Welt der Beziehungen, der Freundschaften und dem gemeinsamen Leben in der Herde. Die bewusste Annäherung an diese...


Meeting with the Horses

Meeting with the Horses
Meeting with the Horses

Die Welt der Pferde ist eine Welt der Beziehungen, der Freundschaften und dem gemeinsamen Leben in der Herde. Die bewusste Annäherung an diese...


Reiseziel Museum - Museum Großes Walsertal

Reiseziel Museum - Museum Großes Walsertal
Reiseziel Museum - Museum Großes Walsertal

On these days, it is particularly worthwhile for families to come to the museum. Simply mould a ball out of clay and something will happen that...


Propsteigarten Führung

Propsteigarten Führung
Propsteigarten Führung

Interesting facts about herbs and plants in our Propsteigarten. Learn informative facts about the herbs of St Hildegard of Bingen, marvel at the two...


Allerleih Rauhheil & die Madonnenlilie

Allerleih Rauhheil & die Madonnenlilie
Allerleih Rauhheil & die Madonnenlilie

mit  Susanne Türtscher Dieses Märchen, verbunden mit der Madonnenlilie führt uns zur Sternenheimat von der sie uns Botschaften bringen. ...




Seminarinhalt Der Jahreskreis schenkt uns durch die Sonne-Mond und Sterne-Zugehörigkeit 12 Qualitäten in denen sich auf unserer Erde Kräuter und...


Propstei-Slam - Poetry Slam

Propstei-Slam - Poetry Slam
Propstei-Slam - Poetry Slam

Am Samstag, 21. September: ist es endlich wieder soweit: Der erste Poetry Slam in der Propstei St. Gerold. Eine einzigartige Veranstaltung...


Livemusik & Genuss

Livemusik & Genuss
Livemusik & Genuss

Thursdays at 19:30, different performers for each date. 30/05/2024 06/06/2024 13/06/2024 20/06/2024 27/06/2024 11/07/2024 18/07/2024 15/08/2024...


Natur-Yoga am Sportplatz St. Gerold

Natur-Yoga am Sportplatz St. Gerold
Natur-Yoga am Sportplatz St. Gerold

Nature yoga at the St. Gerold sports field Every Monday morning and evening in summer, yoga is held outside for anyone who has the time and...


Talblick-Yoga mit Frühstück in Sonntag-Stein

Talblick-Yoga mit Frühstück in Sonntag-Stein
Talblick-Yoga mit Frühstück in Sonntag-Stein

Summer yoga with breakfast on the sun terrace Sonntag-Stein. 08:00 | first cable car ride 08:30 - 09:30 | yoga on the sun terrace from 09:30 |...


Summer culinary

Summer culinary
Summer culinary

Hike across lush alpine meadows with the breathtaking mountain panorama always in view, breathe in the fresh mountain air and indulge in regional...


Provostry St. Gerold Tour

Provostry St. Gerold Tour
Provostry St. Gerold Tour

Many people experience the Provostry of St. Gerold as a place where heaven and earth meet, as well as a place of strength, relaxation and...


Teewanderung im Großen Walsertal

Teewanderung im Großen Walsertal
Teewanderung im Großen Walsertal

We are happy to take a small group of 6 or more people on a walk through the meadows and fields and show them where the herbs for the mountain tea...


Alpaca Trekking

Alpaca Trekking
Alpaca Trekking

After a short introduction and "getting to know" your alpaca, the trek around Thüringerberg starts. Alpacas are very gentle and curious animals and...


Meeting with the Horses

Meeting with the Horses
Meeting with the Horses

Aufatmen, zur Ruhe kommen, innere Einkehr erleben, Selbstheilungskräfte aktivieren und die tiefe Freude des Moments in sich entdecken. Erleben Sie...


Meeting with the Horses

Meeting with the Horses
Meeting with the Horses

Die Welt der Pferde ist eine Welt der Beziehungen, der Freundschaften und dem gemeinsamen Leben in der Herde. Die bewusste Annäherung an diese...


A short moment

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